Friday, November 20, 2009

My sons skin seems to have little bumps?

some of them look like little pimples??? hes 2 yrs old. i know it could be his skin changing but sometimes it worse then other days. i have very sensitive skin so im thinking he was blessed with my skin. any ideas how to get of these little things. my hubby always wants to pop them. i always just say leave them alone

My sons skin seems to have little bumps?
You are right to not let him pop them. :)

It is probably an allergic reaction. I recommend talking to a dermatologist first, and setting up an allergy test(to find out what he is allergic to, so you know to avoid it)
Reply:My pediatrician has recommended for my kids to use a phisoderm for children or sensitive skin formula. As children grow they get little bumps that look like whiteheads, it just excess calcium that their bodies don't need. The phisoderm will help. Don't pop them that could lead to scarring, and also don't scrub hard that will cause skin irritations later on in life. It's nothing to worry about and should completely clear up by the time he is 6-7. My 6 year old daughter still occasionally will get a tiny spot on her face but has mostly outgrown it.

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